Friday 21 January 2011

URLs, googlebase, htlm, metatags and sewing machines !!!!!

I have spent my morning so far working on my website

It is such a learning curve. Although the hosting service Create has provided so much, when you are a complete novice like me, I find it really hard to separate my htlms from my metatags ! I have to say, my website is definitely a work in progress. Today, I am trying to work out why googlebase isn't receiving my upload files! Gobbledygook ? It is to me too. So maybe I'd be better off spending this rare spare morning making crafts.

I bought a sewing machine. Now, I am no expert. I said before that it took me a year to sew a blouse at school. Hideous it was too. I bought the cutest fabric - chocolate brown with dalmations all over it and totally wrong for the project. My classmates had chosen Laura Ashley style florals but not me. I spent a year slaving over the tie necked blouse and never finished the ghastly thing. Anyway, back to the sewing machine. I was realistic. I knew I'd never be Vera Wang but I thought , maybe I could manage a few simple projects - like some hearts for my window hangings. So, I have my fabrics ( not a dalmation in sight ) and I am ready to go. The machine comes out of its box. My varifocals go on and I open the instruction booklet. It's speaking a different language and before I can sew I have to thread the needle and wind the bobbin. I have to thread it through spools and clutches and pedals and all sorts.

Guess it's back to the computer then.

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